- 200-300
- 650-800 m.n.v.
- Natural heritage
- Preservation of tradition
Mijakovići-Dragovići-Bobovac, Municipality Vareš
The famous ancient royal residence located in the heart of the Vara mountains
Population: 200-300; Altitude: 650-800 m.a.s.l.
Bobovac, located near the village itself, is the cradle of the medieval Bosnian Banate and the Bosnian Kingdom, as well as the last home of Queen Katarina Kotromanić. What perhaps most enchanting in this area today is its inspirational natural heritage. Bobovac is situated atop a ridge surrounded by mountain forests and crystal-clear streams of water. The villages of Mijakovići-Dragovići are recognizable for their customs and preservation of tradition, as well as the rich history of medieval Bosnia. According to ancient records and reports, the medieval Bosnian royal city of Bobovac is first mentioned in written documents dating back to 1350. Records suggest that the Bosnian royal crown was kept at Bobovac, and it is believed that three Bosnian kings: Stjepan Ostoja, Tvrtko II Kotromanić, Queen Doroteja Gorjanska, and Stjepan Tomaš, are buried in the royal tomb chapel in the city of Bobovac.
How to reach the village:
The village is located 20 km away from Vareš, with approximately 14 km of asphalt road and around 5.7 km of gravel road from this route. Another route to reach the village by car is from the direction of Kaknja (a closer route from Sarajevo or from the A-1 highway, approximately 19 km away, and from the village to highway A-1 it is 17 km). This road has 15 km of asphalt (a regional road), and approximately 4 km of this road to the village is gravel.
The Royal Town of Bobovac, situated between the villages of Mijakovići – Dragovići, is recognized as one of the most significant medieval fortresses in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Constructed in the mid-14th century, under the guidance of Bosnian ban Stjepan II Kotromanić, Bobovac served as the residence for Bosnian kings, such as Tvrtko I and Tomaš, until 1461. During this time, Bobovac played a crucial role in the administration of the Bosnian kingdom. Bobovac included an elevated town including a distinctive square tower, the remnants of which still exist, as well as a lower town where the courtyard and well have been maintained.
To obtain further information, please visit or get in touch with Visit Vareš at the following website: https://visitvares.com/bobovac/.
a pedestrian trail through the village from the Royal Town of Bobovac through Mijakovske Poljica towards the mountain lodge “Javorje” on Perun and the section “Star Trek,” which passes through the settlements that are approximately 80 kilometers long in the area of the municipality of Vareš.
In the canyon of the Bukovica river at the foot of the southern gate of the Bobovac fortress as an observation post for the arrival of unwelcome guests from the southern side of the fortress. The observatories are part of the natural rocks/natural speleological objects, the so-called. Ladders that are about 100 m high, at a distance of a few hundred meters from each other. At the foot of those rocks is a footpath from the direction of Kraljeva Sutjeska towards Bobovac and the villages of Mijakovići and Dragovići, or if you walk from the north in the opposite direction from Bobovac towards Kraljeva Sutjeska, which is a common pedestrian tourist route…
1941. – 1945.
There is also an old watermill in this area.
Key contact
Šaban Ibrišimović
- President of The Dragovići-Mijakovići Municipality
- President of the UG "Guardians of the Bosnian Crown Bobovac"
- +387 62 259 005
- Mijakovići bb, Vareš
Accommodation facilities
Fishpond / Fish Restaurant „Mrestilište“
Agrohousehold „Ibrišimović“
Apartment Fahrudin i Hajra
- Mijakovići bb, Vareš
- +387 61 788 940
Apartment Ljepovici
- Ljepovici 54
- +387 62 924 029
- miroslava.babic6@gmail. com
Gastronomic offer
– Vacation on Bobovac
– Agricultural households and rural farms
– Luka picnic area with the Hunting Lodge
– Pond “Mrestilište”
Contact for all catering establishments in the village of Mijakovići-Dragovići-Bobovac:
Phone: +387 62 259 188
Traditional products
-Knitting large baskets (known traditionally as sepeta) - for hay and fruit
1. Salesperson Contact information
Homemade apple, pear and plum brandy
Contact person: Nedžad Adilović
Address: Dragovići bb
Phone: +387 61 717 479
- Preparation and sale of sweet and salty winter stores, sale of raw materials – fruit, honey, dishes from traditional Bosnian cuisine, drinks made in the traditional way from local raw materials (juices, brandies ...) - For more information contact the key contact of the village.
- Gastro fest - traditional Bosnian folk cuisine, June - Art colony - month of June - Dovište Šehitluci, and traditional mevludis - in the Mijakovići congregation - Ethno Bosnian room in Mijakovići - tasting room of peasant products - future artist residence - Cetenias during the winter days - Concerts at Bobovac Fortress - March 1 and November 25 - Commemoration of the coronation of the first Bosnian king, Tvrtko I - on October 26 - Encounters of Bosnian royal cities
- Legendary stories about Queen Katarina and the princesses from the Bobovac fortress - Traditional game of hiding the ring under the sock - Traditional preparation of winter food (bestilj or jam from plums, pears, apples...) - Chetenijada - traditional preparation of "cheten halva" as a dessert - Traditional weaving and embroidery, so called under the finger and on a stitch - jerđef - Ethno and gastro festival - Knitting sepeta and crowns (for fruits and vegetables) from hazel - Manual grass cutting - Oral traditions of transmission and assurance about the existence of fairies at all significant water sources - Manual-manual delivery of firewood and hay for livestock on a snowy surface - Hunting and fishing - watching game
- Bicycle path - mountain biking
- Off Road track
Mountaineering and skiing association Perun Vareš
Address: Put mira 30, Vareš
Phone: 061 142 499
- Picking raspberries and plums and making homemade juices and jams
- Collecting medicinal plants and mushrooms
- Traditional picking of wild blueberries
- Hunting and fishing
- Preparation and sale of sweet and salty winter sweets, sale of raw materials - fruit, honey, dishes from traditional Bosnian cuisine, drinks made in the traditional way from local raw materials (juices, brandy...)
- Active holiday in the countryside (buying hay, mowing grass by hand, walking and hiking in nature, hiking in Mijakovski Poljici and Perun, working in the apiary - making honey, etc.)
Homemade apple, pear and plum brandies
Contact person: Nedžad Adilović
Address: Dragovići bb
Phone: 061 717 479
Hiking and Skiing Association Perun Vareš
Contact phone: +387 61 142 499
Recommended tours/offers nearby
– Tombstones – Stečci
– Kraljeva Sutjeska (Sultan Mehmed el-fatih Mosque, Franciscan Monastery (museum) and Dusper’s House)
on the following link see another Most Beautiful Village of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kraljeva Sutjeska, located in the immediate vicinity of Mijakovići-Dragovića-Bobovac – https://mbv.ba/kraljeva-sutjeska/
– Church of the Holy Mother of God in the village of G. Borovica
– Several unexplored speleological objects – ladder at the foot of the Royal City of Bobovac
Key contact
Šaban Ibrišimović
- President of The Dragovići-Mijakovići Municipality
- President of the UG "Guardians of the Bosnian Crown Bobovac"
- +387 62 259 188
- Mijakovići bb, Vareš